Glass coffee tables are excellent furnishing features. Our living room will be enriched with style and beauty thanks to the elegance of a coffee table of glass; glass coffee tables are able to give a touch of strong personality and style to the room you spend mostly your relax-time in! Coffee table of glass can satisfy each need.
Glass coffee tables for a classy home: can enhance your living room with elegance; they are what you need when it comes to decorate your home with style! Coffee tables of glass, every shape and height, for each decorating style and each need. Tiger is a really elegant and original glass table; its pattern is refined and chic. Cubo is a coffee table of glass, which has a classy and simple style. When it comes to decorate your home with a stylish and classy touch, Triclinium can be the ideal solution. It has a smoked glass structure, which can make the difference; equipped with two shelves, it is very practical and original. Etabeta is a coffee table that will certainly make the difference. Its peculiar shape can give your house a strong personality. The curved-glass legs create a harmonious product. Minimal style for a useful and gorgeous table. Theca is a coffee table, which can be adapted to each atmosphere and room, for instance as a TV stand or TV cabinet. Ziggy, coffee table made of design glass, has a peculiar zed shape. Libra is a coffee table, and its structure has a unique shape: the structure and the glass top create a good-looking contrast, which is the main feature of its piece of furniture.
Coffee tables of curved glass, class and design: are a concrete work of art, a masterpiece. Your house is well furnished but you still have the impression it is not complete? Does your living room seem to be missing something classy and fashion? Then you need a curved glass coffee table! Dharma is a particular curved glass coffee table, which is characterized by a unique shape. Tables of glass can enrich your living room with elegance and class with an absolute fluidity. Another coffee glass made of curved glass is Tunnel Due; this curved glass coffee table, made up of two pieces, can really make the difference! Tripod is a coffee table made of glass, characterized by unique line and shape. You could put everything you need on your beautiful and flawless coffee table made of curved glass, and make your space magical! A lot of us need light pieces of furniture in order to move them easily and to use every single space of our house. A wheeled coffee table made of glass can then be the right choice. Hole is a wheeled coffee table of glass, which can be moved wherever you want. You can move it in any place you wish. Dritter is another wheeled coffee table made of curved glass, which is very elegant and original; its round-shaped glass top makes it ideal to hold various things. Choose the perfect glass coffee table!